The concept of this site was originally to write about my trips round the country, watching County. As I put pen to paper, metaphorically, I had many memories which needed fleshing out with facts and figures. I have assembled a reasonable library of sports books, (and thousands of match day programmes), over the years, and to these I turned. Equally the internet has also been my friend. The publications and websites highlighted below have been my staple source. To the writers my thanks for confirming much that was tucked away in the recesses of my memory; for introducing me to information I was not previously aware of; and in many instances correcting my memory!!
Simon Inglis’ books have been a vital source for information on many of the grounds I visited before our drop into non-league. They have been a fixture on my bookshelf for many years, standing alongside tomes on cricket and rugby league grounds. I have long been interested in stadia of all types and enjoy ‘chalking off’ new ones. Inglis first published ‘The Football Grounds of England and Wales’ in 1983; extended it in a second edition in 1987 to incorporate ‘The Football Grounds of Great Britain’ with a third edition in 1996 being a rewrite to reflect that significant changes which arose after the Bradford fire and the Taylor Report, and indeed the development of new grounds. I believe that they are an important piece of work which will provide significant archive material in years to come. They have certainly been more than useful to me!

I purchased a copy of “Stockport County – A Complete Record’ on its publication in 1994. Written by Peter Freeman, in association with Richard Harnwell, it is an immensely detailed tome, which traces the Club from its genesis to the end of the 1993/94 season. It includes the history; provides the background to key individuals, (both managers and players), and the statistical content, (matches, line-ups scorers and crowds), has been vital to my writing. A further book, ‘Stockport County Encyclopaedia History and Update 1994-2000’, (also authored by Freeman), took the story forward to the millennium. In 2006 Phil Brennan and Richard Harnwell authored ‘A Pictorial History of Stockport County 1883 – 2006’. I was pleased to be an advance subscriber to this book, knowing that a donation would be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Richard Harnwell was struck down by this most cruel of diseases. I describe it as such as I had seen my own father pass away with it also.

Typing ‘Stockport County’ into a Google search throws up 11.2m results!! I have found sites which have been extremely useful and are clearly a labour of love for the compilers. Maybe this site will also be useful to others in due course. Thank are due to those individuals who have put these sites together.

The Club’s Official website, affectionately known as COWS, has had a large revamp. Sadly, for me, much of the archive material has disappeared. (For example the results page now only goes back to 2016/17)

A plethora of County information – highly recommended for information about the games; the players; teams & lots more

A source of County news as it breaks – the archive stuff is more than interesting, particularly for the period from administration and beyond

Written by ‘Hedgegrower’ there are match reports; loads of photographs, and other articles of County interest. I am indebted to the site for many of the photos in recent years, particularly where he captured me on various travels!

A definite labour of love, the link opens as a Google document, and provides information about every game the Club has ever played; all the players; managers and much, much more

This site pulls together the research compiled by Stockport County’s Historical Advisors into one place. It is a crucial source for all the historical records and also includes information about reserve and youth teams over the years.
Throughout this site I have linked in a multitude of videos that are available on You Tube. Many of them are from clubs we have played, but the vast majority are from County’s official channel and StockportCounty1883.
I have included a multitude of photographs on this site. Some I have taken over the years, but the great majority of them have been accessed from the internet. There is no intentional breach of copyright. If I have done so, then please accept my apologies, and I will readily either remove them, or give an appropriate credit. I would hope that copyright holders will recognise that this site has been created for personal interest, and for readers in general. It is certainly not for profit. Thanks in advance!

I am particularly indebted to a fantastic site ‘Groundtastic.co.uk‘ – run by Vince Taylor and Paul Claydon. It is an amazing repository of photographs of grounds. I can heartily recommend it if you are interested in recollections of grounds you have visited. a fair number of the photos of grounds have been sourced from there and the associated Twitter account @groundtastic

Since starting to compile this site I have invested in a copy of The Cemetery End, pulled together by the guys at Groundtastic. It’s more than highly recommended if you want to jog memories of grounds and stands that formed part of earlier travels but are, sadly, no more. A prequel to this book was published in 2023. Called Before the Cemetery End it covers the period from 1970 to 1984 and features more than 600 photographs of over 450 grounds, stands and terraces that were lost to British foitball in that period. I have visited many of them and this book certainly brings back the memories

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